Thanks Marty, today I'm going to improvise jazz piano on a song inspired by Immanuel Kant.
Now Immanuel Kant was an influential philosopher back in the 18th century and he remains influential today. Kant created a dichotomy between phenomenon and noumena where phenomenon applies to things we can perceive with the senses and noumena are things that cannot be perceived. So I wrote this song called "Noumenolgy" about the study of things that cannot be perceived.
At first I thought this would be an ideal academic tenure, I mean, who could prove you wrong? But further thought led me to many scientists who deal with noumena on a daily basis.
Take cosmology for instance, the study of the origins of the universe. Cosmologists have come up with the idea of the big bang, something that happened about 14 billion years ago. They check how fast the universe is expanding to come up with a number like that. And they keep building bigger and bigger telescopes because the farther away something is the longer it took for it's light to get to us which means we're really looking back into the past when we look at distant galaxies.
Well, the big bang is noumenal. I mean, nobody's going to actually perceive it. So you could say that some cosmologists are, in fact, noumenologists.
Or take particle physics. String theory, where we look at the stuff that makes protons and electrons, started as a mathematical exercise without proof in the real world. Definitely noumenologically inclined.
But those particle physicists kept building bigger and bigger cyclotrons banging atoms together to see what escaped and they started detecting the mathematically predicted sub-particles. I read last week that they discovered a particle that has mass going in one direction and no mass going in the other. Now, how does that work?
Moving on from philosophy, cosmology, and physics to noumena that actually affect ordinary people. Songwriters have written more songs about it than any other subject. Stories about it finance the publishing industry allowing them to publish books on philosophy and cosmology. And Jesus preached about it as his core message. Of course, I'm talking about love, something everyone experiences that has no phenomenal existence.
You can't see it. You can't touch it. What is love? remains a valid philosophical question. So there we are. Back to Kant.
On the song "Noumenology" I scat sing with a bebop and a doowop replacing actual words. So I got to thinking this morning, maybe I should write a lyric? Maybe about a cosmologist and a physicist who fall in love. Or even better a cosmologist and a physicist who bond over their shared their love for noumenology.
Which brings us to the big question. Just what is up with Hairy Larry's brain and how does he come up with this stuff? I'm going to reveal my secret. Sometimes it's dreams. And sometimes, in the morning, when I'm not ready to get out of bed, you know what I mean, you've been there, my mind just goes tick tick tick and the next thing you know I've written another podcast.
So now, from my "Hairy Larry Livestreams" album, here I am scat singing to "Noumenology".
And that's Hairy Larry singing "Noumenology". Don't miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00, for more piano improvisatation from my "Hairy Larry Livestreams" album. Plus Sun Ra, David Dellacroce, Lee Ritenour, and Dave Grusin.
DJ Hairy Larry With David Dellacroce Playing D
Something Blue - Rhythms - 29 second spot
This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring David Dellacroce, Sun Ra, Lee Ritenour, Dave Grusin, and Hairy Larry. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at
Collaborate On Crates With Hairy Larry
Turn this jazz trio into a quartet
Recorded Live at HairyLarryLand on 2024-01-04
In a nutshell
Play along while listening on headphones.
Record to phone or tablet in vertical mode (portrait not landscape).
Share your video with
I will add your video to the left side of this video and post the finished video.
Your shot
Pick a good background in a well lit room.
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Collaborate On Crates With Hairy Larry
Turn this jazz trio into a quartet
Recorded Live at HairyLarryLand on 2024-01-04
In a nutshell
Play along while listening on headphones.
Record to phone or tablet in vertical mode (portrait not landscape).
Share your video with
I will add your video to the left side of this video and post the finished video.
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I played this on my twitch livestream on October 17, 2021, with an arrangement designed for collaboration. Collaborators play over a piano trio with the bass and drums provided by an irealpro script with the chords for my original song, "Malaysia". The irealpro app can be viewed running on my tablet on the right side of the video screen.
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This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Tom La Meche, Steve Lawson, and NJHB. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at
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Thanks Marty, today we’ll hear a band of students play the title track from their first album.
When I came up with the idea of doing the New Jazz In Jonesboro concerts at TheArts@311 I was a jazz student at ASU. So it stood to reason that I would recruit the New Jazz House Band, known as NJHB, from my fellow students.
We had our first session at the HairyLarryLand studio in Jonesboro at the very end of 2012. We recorded four songs, all original compositions. I was the only one who had played any of them before so it was kind of like jumping off into the deep end. No rehearsals, just put the music up on the stand, talk for a minute, and record it.
I took what we recorded and released our first album, “Circular Logic”.
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This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Jazz Alliance, Chet Baker, and Orrin Evans. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at
Orrin Evans – Liberation Blues
Chet Baker – The Italian Sessions
Jazz Alliance – Live at Jonesboro Public Library on 2011-09-27
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The cheque said “AMOUNT: two dollars and forty cents BEING FOR: classified ad”, rounded block letters in green ink amid the printed prompts. My mother never wrote cursive. “Thanks Mum“ I said, “I’ll pay you back from my paper round money on Saturday”
“No need” she said, “I’m going out; if you have the ad ready I’ll post it for you.”
I folded the cheque and the form I’d clipped from the newspaper. It had been tricky writing on the newsprint with a pen “HOME COMPUTER Amstrad CPC6128 with monitor, printer and external 5.25 inch drive. Original software plus over 30 games. $425. Ph 551806”.
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You might think working a phone repair kiosk is a waste of my skills. Yeah nah.
Today, this kid came in with an iPhone that was more than cracked, it was banana-fied.
“What happened?” I asked, turning the wreckage over in my hands. I don’t think there was a single salvageable part. “And have you considered just upgrading?”
“My novel’s on there”, the kid said, wringing his hands anxiously. “It got ran over by a hauler bot.”
“Got a backup?”. The tears in the kid’s eyes were all the answer he needed to give. “Okay, event rebasing is the only way to fix this”, I gestured at the price board, “can you afford that?”
This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring David Dellacroce, Sun Ra, Lee Ritenour, Dave Grusin, and Hairy Larry. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at
Bebop Beatniks Live At Blues Fest Craighead Forest Bandshell Jonesboro, Arkansas September 24, 2023
00:00 African Violet 11:24 Thanks Mr. Cloud … 12:14 The Blue Crane 21:20 The dance floor is open … 21:42 Low Earth Orbit 31:08 Honky Tonk Jazz … 31:54 Sail Boats 38:37 In the audience … 39:15 Freddy’s Blues 45:34 Silence … 45:19 Malaysia 55:53 Introducing the band …
All songs by Larry Heyl
Tyler Remagen - sax and flute Hairy Larry - piano and vocals Jeremy Jackson - bass Alex Washam - drums Conley Hunt - percussion and vocals
Bebop Beatniks Larry Heyl Composition Recital ASU Band Room September 10, 2023
00:00 African Violet 14:30 The Blue Crane 23:30 introducing the band … 24:24 Low Earth Orbit 33:32 Sail Boats 42:22 Freddy’s Blues 52:35 Malaysia
All songs by Larry Heyl
Rike Robinson - trombone and vocals Tyler Remagen - sax and flute Cody Daugherty - trumpet Sophie Hacker - guitar and vocals Craig Collison - drums Jeremy Jackson - bass Conley Hunt - percussion and vocals Hairy Larry - piano and vocals
Livestreamed to Youtube from my Samsung Galaxy S10
Bebop Beatniks At Beatles Park Walnut Ridge, Arkansas May 27, 2023
00:00 We are Bebop Beatniks … 00:23 The Blue Crane 08:53 What a wonderful audience … 09:00 Candles 16:43 I’m going to rap … 17:04 African Violet 28:24 When Conley was a percussion student … 28:48 Low Earth Orbit 38:17 OK, here’s a swing song … 38:25 Sailboats 45:11 Crates is the companion piece to Candles … 45:20 Crates 53:36 One more song … 53:46 Malaysia
Hairy Larry - piano, vocals Alex Washam - drums Conley Hunt - percussion Rike Robinson - trombone
Bebop Beatniks
On The Twitch Porch
April 2, 2023
00:00 Stardust by Hoagy Carmichael, public domain
08:27 African Violet
17:05 Sail Boats
24:26 Malaysia
33:37 Low Earth Orbit
42:37 The Blue Crane
From The Archives Of Something Blue 2025-02-16 Joy Sanford and Ron Horton Thanks Marty, today we’re going to hear our favorite pianist play the Bossa Nova. I was thrilled when Joy Sanford agreed to play KASU Jazz Thursday on February … Continue reading →
Something Blue – Logic – February 15, 2025 Behind Every Word by Steve Lawson This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Tom La Meche, Steve Lawson, and NJHB. … Continue reading →
DJ Hairy Larry Presents NJHB Playing Circular Logic From The Archives Of Something Blue – 2025-02-09 NJHB – Circular Logic Thanks Marty, today we’ll hear a band of students play the title track from their first album. When I came … Continue reading →
Something Blue – Eyes – February 8, 2025 Orrin Evans – Liberation Blues This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Jazz Alliance, Chet Baker, and Orrin Evans. For … Continue reading →
From The Archives Of Something Blue 2025-02-02 Jazz Alliance – Live at Jonesboro Public Library on 2011-09-27 Thanks Marty, today we’re going to hear a Disney song recorded at the Jonesboro Public Library. And not just any Disney song. From … Continue reading →
Something Blue – Alabama – February 1, 2025 Seth Yacovone Band This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Donna Hopkins, Seth Yacovone, and Isaac Hadden. For more about … Continue reading →
Something Blue – Everybody – January 25, 2025 Alejandro Escovedo This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Calexico, Alejandro Escavado, and Pink Talking Fish. For more about the … Continue reading →
Something Blue – Rhythms – January 18, 2025 Lee Ritenour & Dave Grusin – Brasil This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring David Dellacroce, Sun Ra, Lee Ritenour, … Continue reading →
Hairy Larry Livestreams – Album Art DJ Hairy Larry Presents Hairy Larry Playing Noumenology From The Archives Of Something Blue 2025-01-12 Thanks Marty, today I’m going to improvise jazz piano on a song inspired by Immanuel Kant. Now Immanuel Kant … Continue reading →
Something Blue – Ancestral – January 11, 2024 David Murray – Blues For Memo This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Karl Denson, David Murray, and Christian Scott … Continue reading →